When you pick up your dog’s poop with a plastic bag, tie it in a knot and chuck it in the trash, do you get an unsettling feeling that you’re hitting the can but missing the boat?

Isn’t there a better way to dispose of this stuff?

If we want achieve true zero waste, we need to find simple solutions for the 8-12% of residential waste generated by our beloved pets.

Professional composting is an elegant solution to an inelegant problem. The process upcycles dog waste into a finished compost that enriches soil while diverting the raw nuisance material from walkways and landscape, landfills and streams.

EnviroWagg – an Enviro Pet Waste Network program – is processing Colorado dog waste into a safe and nutrient-rich soil amendment that greens up plants. Research and development at the composting site contributes to how we understand processing, testing and applying compost that uses dog waste as primary feedstock.

New Colorado composting dog park!

Congratulations to the Town of Erie, which launched its dog waste composting program on June 1, 2024. The park has been retrofitted with dedicated collection bins and signs to accommodate the new program. Pet […]

How to compost dog poop in small spaces using a tumbler

In 2023, two successful experiments were conducted on opposite sides of the globe, utilising tumblers for the composting of dog waste. This approach is particularly suitable for individuals with limited yard space. Here’s a […]

Superior, Colorado collects 500 lb. dog waste since start of program

Committed dog park visitors are using compostable bags and separate bins to make the town’s new dog waste composting program a success. According to the Assistant Town Manager, dogs at Autrey Park have produced […]

Composting program at Great Bark Dog Park in Lafayette, Colorado

The Lafayette Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department, in collaboration with the Lafayette Waste Reduction Committee, is pleased to announce the launch of a pilot dog waste composting program at the Great Bark Dog Park. […]

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 Seventy-seven million dogs and 54 million indoor cats in the U.S. stream nine million tons of waste to landfill each year.