Do you want to help keep dog waste out of landfills, reduce the use of plastics, and return organics back to nature? Here are ways to support this recycling program. The success of this effort will boost participation in the Denver Metro-Boulder area and will increase the chances that similar zero waste projects will be launched at other locations. And – ton for tone – composting pet waste will also help communities reach stated Zero Waste goals.
Can you repurpose household pet waste? Yes! An average dog produces 275 lb. of waste per year; an average cat, 110 lb. The Pet Poo Pocket Guide offers seven best practices for safely and easily recycling pet waste tailored to location, situation, weather, needs or time available.
Patronize our Green Partners. These associates are working with EnviroWagg to improve sustainable pet practices. Take your canine friends to parks that recycle and they will “contribute” to the cause!
Pet Scoop is transporting dog waste from sites in Greater Denver and Boulder areas to EnviroWagg’s composting site at Soil Rejuvenation in Longmont. If you would like to discuss collection and composting “Waste Not” services for your household, park or facility pet waste, contact Pet Scoop at 303-781-7667.